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3. 豫西捶草印花工艺调查及纹样分析 《丝绸,》2021年11月。
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5. Research on Consumer motivation for Luxury Products in China,Advances in Textile Engineering, 2011年,EI 收录。
6. Hangzhou Silk Products and its Market Analysis, Proceedings of the 7th China International Silk Conference: Inheritance and Innovation --- Modern Silk Road, Advanced Materials Research,2011年, EI收录。
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8. Research on Technology Construction of Apparel Information Virtual Systems,Proceedings of 2010 the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering, April 2010, Chengdu, CHINA,2010年,EI收录。
9. Research on Apparel Luxury Product Market in China,Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings ,2010年,ISTP收录
10. 中国奢侈品消费动机研究 《浙江理工大学学报》 2010年。
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